CJ Club Lambs is a family run operation located in Maiden Rock, WI. The Dressen Family (Caleb and Kailey Dressen) raises and exhibits club lambs as well as Shorthorn cattle. Caleb first became interested in the sheep industry in 2005 after becoming a member of a livestock judging team. What started as a 4-H/FFA project has grown and matured into a flock of 40 ewes. CJ Club Lambs has a progressive outlook on breeding by utilizing ET and LAI technology with industry leading rams. The Dressen Family is very selective about the ewes they choose to retain and procure. This allows quality and elite genetics to be the foundation of their flock. “Our goal here is to produce functional, high quality breeding stock and purple ribbon caliber wethers.” CJ Club Lambs is excited about the future of their lambs and hopes to provide competitive stock for youth to exhibit.